Web Searches Plant Trees!!!

Larry Langdon
3 min readMar 10, 2021

(Revised 7/19/2021) I keep thinking how MOST people are concerned about the climate crisis and millions are actively trying to prevent it, and how FEW of them use ecosia.org search engine (yet). Ecosia plants a tree for every 45 searches made. Also their operations are carbon-neutral, so you don’t waste any carbon doing searches. I keep tweeting about Ecosia — see twitter.com/@USA2_0.

Here’s some research. (ref.) Google processes 2 trillion searches a year. Globally, Google accounts for 76% and 86% of desktop and mobile search traffic, respectively. So about 80% of searches are google. So total searches would be about 2.5 trillion per year. (2 trillion/.8=2.5 trillion)

Per ecosia, they plant a tree for every 45 search. 45 searches/tree, that’s .05 trillion per year. At 50% market share, that’s .025 trillion trees per year or 25 billion trees per year. (They’ve already planted 121 million trees).

A recent study looked at the effects of planting a large number of trees. (See summary here and original journal article here.) By planting more than a half trillion trees, the authors say, we could capture about 205 gigatons of carbon (a gigaton is 1 billion metric tons), reducing atmospheric carbon by about 25 percent. That’s enough to negate about 20 years of human-produced carbon emissions at the current rate, or about half of all carbon emitted by humans since 1960. At 25 billion trees per year, ecosia could plant a half trillion trees in 20 years.

For instructions on how to make Ecosia.org your default search engine click here. For more information on the climate impact of trees, see the ecosia.org website, Ecosia’s youtube channel, and the 1t.org (1 trillion trees) website. For more background on Ecosia, see wikipedia’s article on them.

You can offset your carbon emissions with ecosia.org. (Reference here.) Average American produces 22 tons of CO2 a year. Trees absorb about 48 pounds of CO2 a year. So 909 trees offset your CO2. But each tree absorbs carbon for about 15 years, so you can plant 60 trees a year to offset your carbon. That’s only about 7 web searches a day if you use ecosia.org. Better yet, donate trees through ecosia.org. Gift trees go for $3 each in quantities of 5 trees or more. That’s just $180/year to offset your carbon footprint! Do it on Earth Day each year, like I do. (But you still need to work on shrinking your carbon footprint.)

So, LETS GET EVERYONE WHO CARES ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE TO USE ECOSIA!!!! Any thoughts about what to tweet or who might help? Contact me at larrylangdon@gmail.com. Surely we can increase Ecosa’s market share of searches to way better than 0.1%!!!!! Let’s all do some marketing on this! Tell everyone you know to switch to Ecosia.org.

Want to plant more trees for free? Then add ourforest.io to your Chrome browser. Then every time you open a new tab, it’ll help plant a tree. And set Chrome to open on an ourforest start page and it’ll help plant a tree every time you open your Chrome browser. I find I’m planting a tree a day for free this way! Imagine if just half the people in the U.S. used both ecosia and ourforest. We’d plant hundreds of millions of trees every year — just by using our computers! DO IT! and TELL OTHERS!!! (Please!)

